
Marketing Icon 125px by 125px

52% Growth
in Revenue

Piggy Bank Icon 125px by 125px

40% Reduction
in Cost per Sale

Traffic Growth Icon 125px by 125px

Average 26% Month over Month Growth in Number of Sales


A subscription box client came to Perform[cb] Agency looking for help increasing new user acquisition and sales volume while reducing the cost of discounts.


Perform[cb] Agency’s audit uncovered the opportunity to adjust the brand’s partner portfolio mix by adding only partners who specifically reached the brand’s targeted demographic of highly educated, affluent parents. The team recruited and onboarded these targeted partners and implemented channel-specific messaging, pricing, and promotions. 

Perform[cb] carefully analyzed the brand’s KPIs and communicated insights to the brand so that shifts could be made, optimizing towards publishers driving the highest LTV and lowest subscription churn rates. 


The client experienced a 52% increase in revenue and a 40% decrease in acquisition cost, thus achieving their goal of increased subscribers at a significantly improved CPA.