E-Commerce Icon

131% Increase in Orders YoY

Traffic Growth Icon 125px by 125px

118% Increase in Revenue YoY

Pay Per Click Icon 125px by 125px

92% Increase in Clicks YoY


This well-known fashion brand came to Perform[cb] Agency looking to increase their affiliate revenue, in addition to increasing the number of affiliate agency partners integrated with their program.


Perform[cb] Agency partnered with this fashion brand, working closely with the brand’s PR team to increase brand awareness, create an extensive content calendar, and drive new partners to join the program. 


These efforts proved successful as this brand’s affiliate revenue grew 118% from $2.7M to $6M. This client also saw a 92% increase in clicks and a 131% increase in orders year over year. Finally, the number of publishers nearly doubled with 111 productive publishers and 281 active publishers, compared to 71 productive publishers and 181 active publishers prior to Perform[cb] Agency’s management.